Guideline for Energy Saving in the Factory

Guideline for Energy Saving in the Factory

Industry Segment consumes the most electrical energy in the country. Ministry of Industry, therefore, asks all industrial units to save the energy, which means reducing electrical energy consumption and spending it in more efficient ways without reducing the quality in production lines. Ministry of Industry also gathers and offers practical guidelines to save electrical energy in the factory, as follows,

Transformer and Power Supply System
  • The voltage generated from the transformer should be properly adjusted. The voltage measured by main circuit breaker when generating at maximum load should be around 380 V. Large electronic devices at the end of the line should not get less than 3%-decreased voltage.
  • Power Factor at the main circuit breaker in the factory should be adjusted to be at maximum rate (or value) by installing capacitors and automatic power factor control devices in order that power factor stays around 0.95.
  • Keep clean and tighten electrical connections once a year to prevent problems caused by loose electrical connections.

Electric Motor
  • Choose electric motors appropriate for loads. For general usage, electric motors should be 110-12-% larger than maximum load.
  • Stop using electric motors when there are no loads. Product controlling devices could be installed to adjust and control that the machine functions automatically. The procedure plan could be rewritten to reduce waste time.
  • There must be proper ways to remove heat from electric motors.
  • Electric motors and power transmission system maintenance should be done regularly.

Electric and Light
  • Choose lightning equipment with high efficiency and suitable for usage. Light bulbs with high efficiency and energy saving are recommended, e.g., LED tube lights, or T5 fluorescent tubes instead of incandescent light bulbs, or metal-halide lamp instead of mercury lamp, when needed to install on a high location.
  • Adjust power factor for electric lamp by installing capacitor with above 0.85 when using iron core ballast.
  • Relocate the lamps or grouping switches by their usage. Reduce the number of extra lamps or relocate the lamps that they could be partly tuned on and off. If the roof of the factory is high, lamps should be relocated to lower and appropriate levels to make the most use of the light and reduce the number of the lamps used in the factory.
  • Switch off when not using or limit the use. Employees should also turn off the light when not using or not present, e.g., when the production does not occur. Turn the light off in alternate rows to reduce the brightness. Make a warning sign and hold activities to practice good discipline of wisely spending electricity.
  • Use the light from the nature. Tiled roof or transparent mirrors should be installed in the newly built factory to let the light in.
  • Clean up light tubes and lamps regularly.
  • Paint the factories, office buildings, and working areas with light tone.
Energy saving in the factory is very necessary to reduce the business cost and the amount of energy consumption of the country.

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